Michael Wedaa has traveled to more than 100 countries on 6 continents. An avid traveler since his youth, he got started by visiting many of the great national parks in the U.S. and took his first major international trips to Europe, South America, and Asia. After his trip to Asia in 2011, Michael caught the travel bug and began taking 4 international trips per year. In 2020, Michael was asked to become the host of a travel TV show called The Layover Experience. Michael’s show, currently in production, explains how to use layovers as a tool to see multiple countries for free.

Book Reviews
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Alicia W.
"Overflowing with insider secrets, International Travel Secrets is a MUST READ, MUST HAVE, reference you will want to keep on hand for all your international traveling needs. Michael Wedaa answers any questions you might ask and questions you didn't know you needed to ask, equipping his readers for a safe, enjoyable journey. His experiential insights are priceless. If you have any flicker of travel adventure in your bones, Michael will ignite a blazing fire for you to explore the world as soon as possible! "International Travel Secrets" is your motivation to get traveling and your tour guide on how to do it!"
John Weiler, Author of Backpack Abroad Now!
"I am an avid international traveler, have been a tax paying resident in 3 countries (and on 3 continents) and have written a bestselling book of travel tips. Even after all this experience, I picked up some new tips in this book that I am eager to test out. Specifically, I loved the chapter on how to score cheap flights, maximizing layovers and the sample itineraries/frameworks for short trips. If you’re a new traveler you will get even more out of this book. But as I said, experienced travelers are likely to pick up some valuable tips as well. Either way, if you love travel, this guide is well worth a few bucks."
Tsgoyna T.
"Even seasoned travelers can learn secrets from this book! I thought I was a seasoned traveler in-the-know with a lot of insider information, that is until I read International Travel Secrets. This book offered tips heretofore unknown to me such as using ITA Matrix to scope out significant reductions in flight fares to having a “fake wallet” as a protection against theft, emailing scanned passport information as insurance against a lost passport and many, many, more suggestions including avoiding unnecessary insurance, and knowing how to choose phone communication plans . This is a great little book with fantastic ideas for optimizing layovers and scoping out the best deals on hotel accommodations. It’s truly a great resource for all travelers, even those who are well seasoned!"